Meader's Maple Sugar House

(Rochester, NH)- Maple syrup is a given when you live in New England during the winter/spring months. American's love their breakfast, and pancakes with maple syrup is the perfect recipe for success on lazy, cold mornings. 

Priding themselves as " Never Outsourced, Always Family Made", I decided to ask if I could spend the day with Christine Meader, who runs Meader's Maple Sugar House at her father's family farm, called Meader's Heritage Farm in Rochester. Right away I had a good feeling about it. We had a brief chat about it and she was more than willing to accommodate me while they were working on retrieving the sap-filled water into a large container that they drove around with an even larger tractor.  

I spent the late afternoon/early evening with them going around their farm filling up and feel I came out with some great shots. This was a really fun project that for one reason or another never ran in the paper. 

Finishing What They Started

Many of us have had the luxury of great family support, whether it be emotionally, financially, etc. Others have not. Some are forced to make hard decisions and some go through times in life that do not allow them to get even such a standard thing, a high school diploma. It seems almost crazy that anyone in this country does not receive it, but the numbers would probably astound you. Here are some photos normal and not so normal high school graduations from the past week. I still have two big ones to go- Dover and Somersworth tonight and tomorrow.

Tuning up for a Championship

The Dover Green Waves prepared for Spaulding Red Raiders last Thursday and Friday for the Division I Championship that was to take place Saturday night. I went by and took some photographs of the Varsity Girls in the zone and prepping for what would be a 8-4 win for the Granite State shaped trophy. After almost being eliminated for two straight rounds, they found themselves at the doorstep and were able to knock off the No.1 seed Raiders.