Meader's Maple Sugar House

(Rochester, NH)- Maple syrup is a given when you live in New England during the winter/spring months. American's love their breakfast, and pancakes with maple syrup is the perfect recipe for success on lazy, cold mornings. 

Priding themselves as " Never Outsourced, Always Family Made", I decided to ask if I could spend the day with Christine Meader, who runs Meader's Maple Sugar House at her father's family farm, called Meader's Heritage Farm in Rochester. Right away I had a good feeling about it. We had a brief chat about it and she was more than willing to accommodate me while they were working on retrieving the sap-filled water into a large container that they drove around with an even larger tractor.  

I spent the late afternoon/early evening with them going around their farm filling up and feel I came out with some great shots. This was a really fun project that for one reason or another never ran in the paper.