(Brentwood, NH)- What turned out to be a fatal shooting and a fire inside a home that resulted in something inside creating an explosion, the next day seemed to finally hit home to those who lost fellow Brentwood Police Officer Steve Arkell. Unfortunately, having covered vigil's in the past, this was not my first... but it never is easier. In fact, I think at some point it becomes a little worse every time. I'm not sure I know how to properly express how I feel other than to show what I covered. It was tough as the TV media and still photographers were asked to be out of the way. We were able to find a respectable vantage point that was able to get the story across but also allow those to grieve, which is never an easy situation for anyone involved. I'm not sure 'happy' is the appropriate word, but rather I am glad I have been able to cover this story exclusively for Foster's. I am hoping that I will be able to carry out the story to it's finish and put this behind me.